Sunday, June 21, 2015

THURSDAY                                                                              26. 09. 13

Greetings to all my people.

It is my good hope that you all woke up healthy and wise, all thanks be to God on High.

It’s a Thursday, and the week is heading to an end. Just yesterday it was September 1 but today it is 26th and the days are hastening on.

How far have you gone with your plans for the year?
How many of those resolutions you made at the beginning of the year have you kept?

If your plan for this year included to make some more money, an opportunity presents itself now – THE REALITY CLUB INTERNATIONAL – HEALTHY LIFE NETWORK.

It is a multi level marketing business that deals with only a single product SOYAPLUS which is a fermented and detoxified product of soya beans,

Soyaplus is rich in the essential amino acids, omega 3 fatty acid, isoflavones, minerals and micro nutrients.

Soyaplus is JUST NATURAL – no additives, no preservatives, no colourings, no flavors.

It is good for health and has very trememdous beneficial effects on diabetics, hypertensive’s, HIV positive persons, Malnourished children, post menopausal women e.t.c.

Vegetarians would also find it quite useful

Get the full gist from here:

Have a fun filled day

Bless and be blessed



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