Monday, November 18, 2013


MONDAY 18. 11. 13

Greetings of the new day to all my friends and well wishers.

It has pleased God to bring us back from the land of the living out of no doing of ours but purely in His love, mercy and kindness and for which we remain eternally grateful; which gives us a reason not to depart from praising His Holy Name always.

It’s Monday and the beginning of a new week
It’s the 3rd week of November and so the month is racing to an end cause in the next one and a half weeks, this month shall enter the dustbin of history.

A new week presents a golden opportunity to make it, an opportunity to take our chances, are you really going to take yours? Or would you rather be on the same spot and be shouting to all who care to listen how cruel life has been to you?

Remember that life is a hard task master, if you want to master it then you have got to be prove that you are harder.

And the only thing that can make you harder than life is “that which you have got within you – that is your FAITH’ when you exercise the muscles of your faith, life would come cowering before you.

Today, go out there, exercise your faith and tell me about it when you meet me right there at the top

Every day as I always do, remind yourself that it is good to be alive
So, go make the most of it.

Have a great day
And I’ll see you on the morrow

Bless and be Blessed

Remember that I love you as always!!!!!!!



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