Hello my Friend
I am happy to come your
way again and today I have a question for you.
But before I ask that
question, I just want to tell you a short story.
Growing up was really fun
for me because we lived in a Community where every parent was on the look out
for any child whether his or not and so the kids of the neighbourhood had the
opportunities to interact and play together.
During some of those
plays, we had opportunity to make wishes especially if the thing wished for was
happening right about then. For example, whenever we were together and an
aeroplane flew past, most of us would look up to the sky with hungry wishes on our
eyes, wishing that we were also in the plane as passengers or as the Pilot or
even as owners of the plane.
When we saw a car drive
past - in those days, they were mainly Peugeot Cars 403, 404 - we would wish
that we are the owners of the cars.
Once when I went to a
Hospital to visit my Mother after child birth, I saw the deference and respect
accorded to the Medical Doctor by the other health staff and I wished I was a
Medical Doctor.
So in those days, my wish
bucket was filled up with all manners of wishes as diverse as they came.
However, as I grew older,
I realized that I could not have "all my wishes" especially the ones
that have to do with career and so I had to sort them out into the ones that
can be realized within the time frame available to me and the ones that may have
to remain in the wish bucket.
I have also gone ahead to
become some things that I did not put in my wish bucket while growing up.
For instance, the internet
was not even muted while I was growing up; online business was not even an idea
then but in the last 35 years with the discovery of the WWW (the Internet), the
World has actually become a global village and the internet has taken over the
lives of billions of people including yours sincerely to the extent that I have
not only become an expert in Health Care Management (which was in my wish
bucket) but I have also become an expert in Online Business and
Internet/Network Marketing and Services (which were not in my wish bucket while
growing up).
Incidentally I have met up
with all of my wishes in my wish bucket while growing up - God has been
extremely gracious to me; so what I do now is to add to my yearly wish bucket
one or two new adventures to pursue and which I usually break down into months
and weeks and days.
This November I had wished
to touch at least 10 lives in my #Financial #Empowerment #Workshops; so far I
have touched 7 and still gat 3 to go before the month ends, would you like to
be the next to be touched?
So that's my short story.
How about you?
What's in your wish
bucket? even for this month of November?
But by the way, did you
have anything in your wish bucket while growing up?
Share with me, I love
reading stories of how persons overcame their challenges.
Hope to read from you As
Soon As Possible (#ASAP)
I still remain your friend
Dr. Jerry - the First: JP
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