Thursday, March 1, 2018

#Explorers Wanted!!!!

Hello People

March is here

The month of March, the one after February and before April, the 3rd month of the year has finally arrived; when it ends, we would have used up 90 days of the allotted 365 days of this year 2018.

What were your new year resolutions?
What is that one goal you want to achieve in this 2018?

What did you do with January?
What did you do with February?

What are you going to do with March?

Now while I acknowledge the overarching influence of the Supreme Being in the affairs of men but don't tell me that everything is in God's Hands, if that be the case, He would not have given you hands too.

He gave you hands because He has also placed some things in your own hands, what are you doing about those things God has placed in your Hands?

Or are you waiting for Him to do His Own and also do your own???

But you know that is "impossicant" (in the voice of Zebby)

When your hands begin to move, at the point it gets exhausted and tired and about to drop, God takes over - that is how He works ever since creation.

But if you are UNWILLING TO MOVE YOUR HANDS, God is not going to flog you and force you to move those hands of yours.

Are you getting my drift?

In exploring, we use our eyes, our hands and our feet

Together You and I are EXPLORERS

Come let's #ExploreMarch together

Let's explore the world of business
let's explore the world of personal development
let's explore the world of professional development
Let's explore the world of career progression and development
Let's explore the world of financial security and independence
Let's explore the world of educational acquisition and attainments

What are your constraints?
What are your perceived obstacles?
What are your challenges?

What are the subterfuges, the innuendoes, the fears, the drawbacks?

Bring them all to the #ExplorationTable

This program - Explore March - kicks off on the 5th of March 2018, it will be held online - TELEGRAM

It's FREE and anyone who desires to make the best of March 2018 irrespective of their Calling, their Profession or their Possession, is free to join.

Indicate your interest - HERE -                    

This is from #Me - Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie: JP to #YOU out there
Come let's #ExploreMarchTogether

If you are not on TELEGRAM and you have a smart phone, do go to Google Play Store, search for and download Telegram to your smart phone or any other electronic device


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