Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year

It is that time and period when we rejoice that God has done it again for us.

In allowing us to not only see the last day of the outgone year, but also in bringing us into the new year, He has done what no man can ever do.

And because it is of His own mercy that we are in, then He would definitely guard and guide us with His Mighty Right Hand that nothing shall by any means harm us.

But there is one thing, we must never take God for granted for he who does that would surely remain grounded

And in 2016, if you really want to fly, then keep God where He ought to live, right inside your heart occupying your very soul and mind.

If you allow Him to take you by hand, then my friend, you shall not only achieve all you set out to achieve in this very year of 2016 but you would also arrive your destination safely.
Happy New Year my friends

May this year bring you closer to all that you want which have given you a source for concern for so long.

And that's my prayer for myself too

Let God Reign

Dr. Jerry - the First: JP