Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Why Are You Sabotaging Yourself?

 Hello my friend

I just thought of you this morning and that is why I have decided to ask you this question - Why are you sabotaging yourself?

I know you might seem surprised at my question but am sure that by the time you are through with reading my article here, you would agree with me that unless you change the present dance step, no new dance teacher would appear.

So let's look at how you have been sabotaging yourself:

But first let's define sabotage: The Merian's Webster Dictionary defines sabotage as "the act of destroying or damaging something DELIBERATELY (capitals mine) so that it does not work correctly"   Sabotage Definition

Another writer says that "Self sabotage is when we say we want something and then go about making sure it doesn't happen" - Alyce P. Cornyn-Selby

There you have it. Sabotage is a deliberate act to make things not to happen or not to work correctly. So when we are standing in our own way of progress in whatever field, that is self sabotage.

These are the ways by which you have been sabotaging yourself:

1.     Laziness of the mind:
Do you know that right from the time of your birth, your unconscious mind had been at work collecting and storing all your experiences and that these collected works of the unconscious mind are what determine how far we can venture?

Most of us are religious and have memorized to our own spiritual and psychological underdevelpment articles that tend to tie us down and make us downright lazy, making it difficult for us to exercise our creative thinking from which all inventions flow.

Instead of exercising our minds to take control of our situations, we prefer to believe myths over realities.

Some even quote the scriptures out of context. "Say to the righteous it is well with his soul" is one quote from the Scriptures that people have abused in practicing the art of lazy mindedness. But this is a topic for another day's discussion.

2.     Too much hussling
Running around in a circle, too much motion but no actual MOVEMENT - no progress.

Have you taken a look at how "busy" you are? How you don't find time to do the necessary things to do but only finds time to be a Facebook Tiger? attacking and insulting all who come your way because they do not buy into your view point? And yet you have no visible means of livelihood neither has facebook employed you!!!!

Do you realize how much time you waste in gossiping? sitting out with people you can't learn any good thing from except for those roguish ways of doing things?

Every time you are very busy and yet you have to depend on another to subscribe to your BB!!!!

3.     Setting Unattainable Goals
At the beginning of every new year, we make resolutions of things to do and things to stop doing, that is akin to goals setting.

Of course there is nothing wrong in setting goals after all it is said that he who must succeed must be a goal setter as nothing in this world happens by accident or luck (luck is when preparation meets opportunity).

Be a big dreamer, set big goals but in setting big goals it has to be spread over time. Do you know that we sabotage ourselves when we set goals that are unattainable?

When a man who is earning N20, 000.00 per month sets a goal of buying a Lamborghini in one year!!!!! How can he achieve that goal from his income?

4.     Not Self Disciplined
When we say what we want to do, it takes self discipline to get it done but when we fail to apply self discipline, that thing cannot be done and that is a matter of self sabotage.

Self discipline includes time management - if only we know that time is the most essential resource we have in this world and that once it is spent it can never be recouped then we would have a second look at meaningless activities we undertake that kill our time unceasingly.

5.     Being in love with "old wives tales"
How often have you abandoned the real thing to do under a situation because your mother said so so so or your father said so so so?

You have pain in the abdomen which is very excruciatingly painful and instead of finding the nearest Health Facility and consulting a Medical Doctor, you prefer to follow your mother's advise that such pain can be taken care of by drinking boiled oil mixed with salt? Only to go looking for the Medical Doctor when things have gone out of hand and expect him to perform a miracle!!!

6.     Playing God
It really amuses me and sometimes even irritates me when men play God.

When we leave the terrain of the mortal and take on the garb of immortality!!!!!

We leave our own business that we have control over and then want to control the weather, discuss on how God does what He does when we do not even know Him?

These are all ways by which you sabotage yourself

So, do you think you have been sabotaging yourself?
Are there things that you are supposed to do to make your life better but you have refused to do them and waiting for Government or another to do it/them for you?

Have you taken a responsibility that is not yours when you have been quite unable to manage your own responsibilities?

Are you wasting those man hours in endless unprofitable and meaningless social media chats?

Then you need to do a re-think.

Tomorrow we shall discuss how to overcome self sabotage

That will be it for today

I wish you a very good day

Remember to drop a comment on your take on this topic

Be blessed


Your Brother and Friend


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