Wednesday, February 19, 2014


WEDNESDAY                                                                           19. 02. 14

Following Jesus every day by day
Nothing can happen when He goes away
Sunshine and shadows whatever may be
Jesus my Saviour is my All in all

Following Jesus every day by day
Nothing can happen when He goes away
Sunshine and shadows whatever may be
Jesus my Saviour is my All in all

My dear friends,
It’s a bright new day and the morning has dawned. The Lord has once again defeated the enemy for our sake. For His purpose, He has brought us up again from the “dead”  to the land of the living so that we might fulfill our destiny. What can we say to this God but to see this song

This kind God o o o
I never see Him kind o o
This kind God o o o
Glory be His Holy Name e e e

He sure has no comparison

It’s Wednesday, the middle of the week, there’s a need to go for anointing for completion so that whatever you have planned to achieve this week would.

Go to His Divine Presence today to receive strength to complete the task that has to be completed.

Remember to always say “Thank You Jesus”  it pays great dividends.

And while you do that, may He look down favorably from heaven upon you and yours while I wait for you to join me right here at the top

Have a good day



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