Wednesday, January 1, 2014


by Dr. Jerry – the First Oguzie

Over the past year, I took judicial notice of areas of my life that I actually did not treat well and I am determined to make them better in this year 2014.
I have taken sometime to ruminate over these ideas and have mapped out my plans for 2014 activities.  I want to share them with you.
Here I am not referring to those great big projects…these are little activities than can make a huge difference to your life and enjoyment.
Each year I want to improve on the last.

So I’m gonna make 2014 my best ever…what about you?

Here are some thoughts on how to make 2014 Your Best Year Ever…

1. GO ON A DATE WITH YOUR OTHER HALF. If you are the type that does not believe in going out on dates with your significant other, it’s time to bring it on board. Spend some time with your wife, go out on dates, it doesn’t have to be expensive, a simple barbecue with an ice cream cup in a cozy garden would do. Do this at least once a week and you would be sure that your love life would blossom again
2. GET IN SHAPE. I’m not saying join a gym or start jogging. Just do a little more exercise. Maybe walk to the local shops instead of getting the car. Use the stairs instead of the lift. Along with more exercise, eat healthier. Eat only one biscuit instead of three. Eat cakes only at the weekends. Try some simple small steps.

3. MAKE CONTACT WITH AN OLD FRIEND. How many ‘friends’ have you lost touch with? Too many. I know I have. Take 30 minutes out of just one of your days each month and contact an old friend – maybe by email or Facebook.

4. CHANGE YOUR JOURNEY TO WORK. You’ll be off autopilot which means you’ll get new ideas. Taking a different route makes your brain work differently.

5. YOUR FIRST WEEK BACK AT WORK AFTER THE CHRISTMAS BREAK, get to work 30 minutes earlier and leave 30 minutes later. Use this extra hour to knock one big thing off your to-do list. Knocking things of your to-do list will reduce your stress levels, help you sleep and at the end of the week while going home, start planning how you’ll spend the pay rise you get!

6. ONLY LIST THE THINGS YOU ARE REALLY GOING TO DO AND LET GO OF THE THINGS YOU KEEP SAYING YOU ARE GOING TO DO. How many years have you said you are going to do something and never have? Write a book, learn a new language, start drama classes or learn to draw. If over the last few years you keep saying these things and you never start, you never will or will this be the year? If not, let them go and only list things your will do.

7. PLAN YOUR HOLIDAYS. What holidays will you be enjoying in 2014 and 2015. Think about them now, plan them, and book them. Have something to look forward to.

8. CHANGE THE TV CHANNEL. Start watching some of the History or Discovery channels or dare I say it…watch less TV than you did in 2013 and complete some of the other activities listed here.

9. NEVER SKIP BREAKFAST AGAIN. It is the most important meal of the day, spice it up with more protein and veggies than carbs

10. UPDATE YOUR RESUME. Even if you are not looking for a job. You never know when you are going to need it. Plus by updating it as you go, you remember all your achievements.

11. RE-ARRANGE YOUR FURNITURE. Great therapy and gives a new perspective in the room you live.

12. START YOUR OWN BUSINESS OR SHUT-UP ABOUT IT. Will 2014 be your year of starting your own business or will you just talk about it (like you have for the past 5 years). It’s your choice but please don’t just talk about it, GO DO IT.

13. Change your aftershave or perfume. Still wearing that same old smell? Get a new one, surprise the other half!

14. CLEAR YOUR DESK OF RUBBISH. Either file all the paperwork or ‘bin it’. Get a simple ‘in’, ‘out’, ‘reading’ tray. They do work. Tell everyone about your new ‘clear desk’ process. Having a clear desk can save you hours and be so invigorating.

15. GET YOUR KIDS INTO EXERCISE. I’m not talking about going down the gym or start jogging. But go swimming with them. Have a family bike-ride. Encourage them to join a local sports activity club. Take them and stay and watch them – don’t just take them, dump them and use it as a crèche while you go shopping.

16. MAKE DINNER FOR YOUR PARTNER. Leave the office early, get all the ingredients and cook!

17. RE-READ A BOOK YOU READ 10 YEARS AGO. You just never know what you might find. Also try and read at least one new book every quarter and if you have not read “Practical Steps to Total Financial Freedom” by Dr. Jerry – the First Oguzie, you need to obtain it and read it, you would just love it

18. DO SOME VOLUNTARY WORK. You’ll be helping others and it is one of the best ways to find new contacts. In 2014 volunteer for Dr. Jerry Oguzie Foundation and Trust - JOFAT

19. ORGANIZE A ‘MANS’ OR ‘GIRLS’ NIGHT OUT WITH 6 OF YOUR BEST FRIENDS. Have a good old gossip. You’ll love it.

20. INTRODUCE A NEW WORK HABIT. Talk to your customers everyday. Managers, employees who talk to customers have the advantage over those that don’t. Find out what their issues and needs are. Then, even better, be a customer. Experience what it is like to buy your business’s product – you may be surprised.

21. TALK TO SOMEONE YOU DON’T KNOW. I do this all the time! Making conversation with someone next to you in a queue will make you feel good.

22. DO A RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS on weekly basis, that child that has no mother or father, that elderly person that wants to cross the busy road, that blind person that needs a helping hand to locate his or her way. Do something for someone who will never be able to pay you back
23.  WHISPER A PRAYER FOR SOMEONE, intercessory prayers help us to take the focus from our selves to others, in praying for others we also have our own prayers heard because He Whom we pray to listens more to the heart than what the mouth says and if there’s a synchrony of the two, then it’s a done deal
24.  ALONE WITH GOD, once in every while, relocate to a remote place, where you can share with God all alone. It pays to renew your vows during such times. Such experiences are quite illuminating and inspiring, you come out refreshed to continue the race.
25.  PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK. List all your achievements (can be used to update your resume as well). This will help inform you what areas you excel in and allow you to feel great about knowing what your strengths are.

So there we are. A number of simple activities you can easily use to make your 2014 even better than 2013. Which ones will you use? What can you add?


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