Monday, October 28, 2013


MONDAY                                                                 28. 10. 13

My people,

A new day is here, and it is MONDAY the 28th day of the month of OCTOBER 2013. In 3 days time, this month shall join the others in the bin of history.

It has pleased God to bring us into this new day and we have to express our appreciation to Him for this wonderful opportunity.

WOW, the tenth month of the year 2013 is cruising to an end and in 2 months time, the year would come to an end.

The beginning of a new day brings back hope that all is not lost. It is my belief that only the living still has plans, the dead does not. So while alive, let us ensure that we make all efforts to bring our plans to fruition. Let us take a critical look at our plan for 2013 and see how many items are yet to be touched and make efforts to start them.

Today presents a new opportunity and a new hope, use both well

Allow Him to take care and you would be at peace with yourself

Every day as I always do, remind yourself that it is good to be alive
So, go make the most of it.

Have a great day
And I’ll see you on the morrow

Bless and be Blessed

Remember that I love you as always!!!!!!!



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