Friday, June 14, 2013


FRIDAY                14. 06. 13

Greetings of the new day. Thanking God for His mercies and love which He has bestowed on us and which made it possible for us to be alive again in the land of the living. His praise shall continually be in my mouth and on my lips.

It’s Friday people and the 2nd week of June is ending today, in the ext couple of hours, Friday the 14th of June 2013 shall become part of our history individually and collectively.

Friday is also the harbinger of the good news of the weekend, that period of time that most of us covet most.

Even though the working week is ending today, but a lot can still be achieved with the hours that are left. So take a good look at what is yet to be achieved of your plans for this week and go all out to achieve it. IT IS VERY POSSIBLE and all it requires is your WILL POWER and DETERMINATION and these come from the guts inside of us, not from external factors.

And when you have done all the things you need to do, forget not to appreciate God from Whom ALL BLESSINGS FLOW.

Every day as I always do, remind yourself that it is good to be alive

So, go make the most of it.

Have a great day
And I’ll see you on the morrow

Bless and be Blessed

Remember that I love you as always!!!!!!!

Your Brother and Friend

Dr. Jerry - the First


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