Monday, December 7, 2015

Welcome to Monday

Hello my good friends,

A brand new day has once again been presented to us for our use and it is only to God that all the glory should be given for He is not willing to share His Glory with any man - so thank Him for bringing you into today Monday the 7th day of December in the year 2015.

I see every new day as a new OPPORTUNITY and I usually harvest all the chances I have there-in.

And so, today will not be any different. It is a new day, that is still unfolding and there's no knowing what it has brought along with it, but am prepared and waiting to catch and cash in every opportunity that this day has brought.

I have since come to realize that there is nothing  more EXPENSIVE like a missed opportunity.

And if you are like me, you won't let today go by just like that. Whatever it throws your way, use it well.

God bless you abundantly today

Be Good and remember I love you so very dearly


Dr. Jerry - the First: JP



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