Thursday, October 15, 2015

Create The Future You Want

Ever since I can remember, I have always been hearing that maxim that says "the future will always be brighter and better."

I am sure that you have also been hearing it.

Flowing from that maxim is the fact that no matter how dark it is today, surely the Sun shall rise again on the morrow and brighten the darkness; that no matter how hungry we are today, certainly hunger shall not be our bed mate tomorrow; that tomorrow would surely find us better than we were yesterday or are today.

These are all assumptions that can become reality or remain as they are because, the future does not create itself.

The future is created by men and women as the case may be based on their own perceptions and realities.

This means that any person desirous of a better future MUST sit down with himself and His Creator to map out the plans to create such a future and that is not an easy task.

The person has to be sure of what s/he wants out of life; s/he has to know how to get what s/he wants and also put the appropriate plans in place and then work on them, a bite at a time.

If the future represents growth, then growing up is the tool for reaching there and fortunately all human beings are exposed to the same tools for growth as laid down from the time of creation. It is the appropriation of these tools and implements and in the cultivation of the farm given to us that the difference is made between those who achieve their desired growth and those who suffer from arrested development.

This therefore means that we get out of life the much we put into it because life is a hard taskmaster never willing to give anyone an inch more than he or she has asked for.

There can be no better future for a man or woman who makes no efforts at bettering himself or herself right from when he or she is pliable and highly impressionable to when he or she is set in his or her ways.

Just as a woman carries a pregnancy for at least 9 months and in due time brings forth a new life, so is the future. Each person born in this world is "pregnant" with his or her future and in order to bring it forth, s/he has to jealously guard the gestation period and allow nothing to interfere with the birthing process.

If you are strong willed and determined to make an impact, you would work on your plans and create your desired future.

For the faint hearted, willing only to be told what to do, not willing to take any initiative of their own, the future will always be a mirage which continues to disappear and appear again as effort is made to reach it.

Your future is in YOU, go create it as you want it.



  1. This is great! Am loving this post, nice work sir!

  2. What a post?
    The only thing that gives me sleepless nights, my future.
