Wednesday, June 3, 2015

What Is A College Degree Worth?


Thomas Edison, founder of General Electric had no College Degree?

Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Co had no College Degree?

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft had no College Degree?

Ted Turner, founder of CNN, had no College Degree?

Micheal Dell, founder of Dell COMPUTERS had no College Degree?

Steve Jobs, founder of Apple computer had no College Degree?

Ralph Lauren the founder of Polo had no College Degree

Jack Dorsey the Founder of Twitter had no College Degree?

Yet these men. had/have immense wealth and enormous financial and political powers

How did they do it?

Do you want to know?

I will tell you if you are interested in knowing

So, comment interested on this thread
and you would get the answer direct to your inbox with an honest to God hope that you would act on it with immediate alacrity


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