Sunday, May 14, 2017

You Can Create Results Or You Can Make Excuses

Exactly! You can create results or you can create excuses. Look, it’s very easy to create excuses. As a matter of fact, you don’t need to create any excuse., they are all around you. Just look and you will find.

I asked a friend, why haven’t you written the book you told me about. His responses are; I don’t have time and, I am not as good as you are. To him, these are valid reasons. But my dear, they are just excuses.

I asked another friend, why haven’t you started your online business. Hmm, I don’t know anybody to show me how and I don’t have money to invest were his answers. To this friend too, they are valid reasons. But once gain to me, they are excuses. 

My dear, both friends could have thought of creative ways to do what they want to do. Do could have jumped into the fray believing help and support will come when they need it. But they chose to find excuses.

Well, my message to you is simply this: Excuse your excuses so you can make your dreams come to pass. You can create results or you can make excuses.

Keep the lion within you roaring all through the year. This is your year, this is your season, you are sure to smile again.

You are bound for the top. I love you! I believe in you! I believe in your dreams. You are chosen for greatness! YOU'RE TRULY BORN TO WIN!

Stay motivated! Stay Blessed! Please share this message to help others. Thanks and God bless you.


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