Sunday, February 21, 2016

Just So You Would Know

I do not know what you have passed through or what you are passing through at this moment

I do not know what your challenges are or what huddles you need to jump over to arrive at your destination

I do not know what problems your background put you into or what lack you have suffered from birth

I also do not know what gifts or talents that the Good Lord bestowed on you

But I do know some things

I do know that as long as there is life, there would always be hope

I do know that no matter how dark the tunnel may be, there would always be light at its end

I do know that no matter how pitch dark the night may be, the morning would always come with brightness

I do know that life is all about overcoming challenges and learning how to jump over huddles and obstacles

I do know that life is not a hard task Master and that she is willing to pay anyone exactly what they price themselves

I do know that if only you would believe in yourself, your future is already made

And I am bringing these your way just so you would know

Remember them always and that is ALWAYS

Let God reign Supreme