Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Last Day Of September 2015

Like joke, like play, September 2015 is ending today.

Whether we like it or yes, as the hands of the clock tick towards 12 midnight today so does the life of September give way.

I am still trying to recover from the fact that 30 whole days have passed by and there are still some things I proposed to do this month which have not been done.

Mind you I am not a procrastinator, I have broken the hold of that habit in my life more than 30 years now; but it now looks to me like I placed a whole lot of projects on my table and that may account for why I have not seen them all through to the end of this month.

So I learnt a lesson this month that is on the verge of going into the bin of history, not to bite more than I can chew. It is not new really but this month of September brought the truth in that saying home to me in a way that is surprisingly fresh; and it sure would help me plan out October better.

Focus and concentration would sure take the front seat in October.

Hey my friend, so September is finally coming to an end?
Were you expecting it to end so quickly?
And like me, do you have any unfinished business which cannot be finished today?

Well, share your views and let us learn from each other

Meanwhile, remember to man-out today, even though it is the last day of September 2015, pack lots into it, and if you can still see-up any project slated for this month but which had not commenced, then just do that.

While you are at it, I am just there waiting to shake your hands

Remember courageous people rule the world

Have a great day today

Dr. Jerry - the First: JP

Medical Consultant/Life Coach/Author/Mentor/Publisher/Plan B Income Promoter/Entrepreneur/Motivational Speaker/Health and Wellness Consultant/Blogger


  1. With the few hours left, we can still make it a september to remember

  2. It was certainly for me a September to remember
    especially as one online forum project which I had committed my time and resources to came crashing without warning
    It was really a crash
