Tuesday, February 4, 2014


TUESDAY                                                                                  04. 02. 14

All other gods, they are the works of men
You are the only One, there is none like You

O Lord

 All other gods, they are the works of men
You are the only One, there is none like You

My friends

Greetings of the new day.
Of a truth all other gods are the works of men, they have eyes but cannot see, they have ears but cannot hear, they have mouth but cannot speak, they have legs but cannot move, they are without essence, without works but our God and Father is Almighty neither born nor created, of one essence, occupies the heavenlies with the earth as His footstool, cannot be seen with the naked eyes but yet can be felt in the spirit, dishes out mighty and wonderful works even to us the children of men.

It is of His mercies that we are around once again, that we woke up this morning is just because of His grace, not by the works of our hands lest any man should boast and we owe Him tons of gratitude. Father to You be all the glory and adoration from now until eternity – Amen

My people
It is Tuesday the 2nd day in this 1st week of February 2014, it is the 4th day of February, the month is already on the run.

Come let us reason together now, if you are having any challenges with starting off. We are here just for you

May you have a very fruitful day today, remember that it is entirely within the purview of your person to make today a wonderful day

Be blessed of the Lord



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