Monday, February 11, 2019

Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself


It's Monday and I am here again with My Monday Motivational and today I wanna ask you to 


You know one of the best pieces of advice I ever received was to stop feeling sorry for myself

You know self-pity is one of those emotions that can really eat you up like when you're trying to achieve a goal

Sometimes you could say oh I'm not gonna achieve it because

I'm not intelligent enough
I'm not attractive enough
I don't have the right experience
I'm too young
I'm too old
I didn't have the right University education
I wasn't brought up in the right Country


All these things hold us back
and make us feel sorry
for ourselves

And it feels kind of good
to sometimes feel sorry for ourselves
but like I said earlier, the best piece of advice I ever received was to stop feeling sorry for

And when I took that advise, it opened the way for me to achieve the things I had set my mind to achieve

And when you do follow this advice, it will automatically remove all of the blocks that stop you from achieving your goals

It will help you to automatically let go of all the things that are stopping you from feeling happier in this moment

Self-pity is a weird emotion
it kind of sits in the middle of your soul and just eats up everything around you except itself
stop feeling sorry for yourself

You let go of that emotion you'll feel better
you'll be happier and way more successful than you'd ever imagine

You're made in the Image and Likeness of a Creator
That makes you a co-creator
Go exercise the creative ability in you

Stop feeling sorry for yourself