Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Welcome August


The 8th month of the year 2018 has just arrived and it has brought with it gifts that are worth working for.

Do not for any reason miss your own gift from August because like you know "all good and perfect gifts come from God"

By the reason of His Unction, I proclaim to you that in this month of August, God shall

*In blessing - bless you beyond your imagination
*In providing - provide for you that your cup would be running over
*In protection - protect you from the hands of your enemies
*In shielding - shield you from the vagaries of the weather, that they hurt you not

*He shall strengthen your right hand that whatever you do shall prosper
*He shall quicken your feetsteps that you go to where His goodness, mercy and favour shall follow you
*He shall make you a conqueror and not the conquered
*He shall make you victorious and not a victim
*He shall make you the head and not the tail
*He shall make you the lender and not the borrower

This month
Your destiny helper shall locate you and
You shall fulfill your destiny

The Almighty shall fulfill His Words
Key into them

Whatever you need that is yet to come, call it by name, be specific about it and He shall grant the requests of your hungry soul in accordance with His Holy Will and His Riches in Christ Jesus

It is well with your soul

You are blessed

Join me to welcome the Month of August 2018
Let God continue to reign supreme in our lives




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