Friday, December 30, 2016

2017 Is Around The Corner - Are You Ready To Take It By Storm??

Wow! It happened so fast, 2016 is about to come to an end.

I see people running around to get, holiday gifts, making holiday plans and that's when it hit me... another year is about to come to an end.

How did 12 months just fly by?!!

Another year over and now it's time to get ready for 2017 and it's not just about making resolutions.

I'm not a big fan of resolutions.

I prefer making real changes, lifestyle changes, health changes, financial changes, family changes, relationship changes and all kinds of changes.

I usually write out what I want to change, improve or achieve. I give everything some real thought and that means getting really specific so that I set goals that I can measure.

By setting a goal you can actually measure you can see if you're making any progress, how far away you are from reaching your goal and what you can do to achieve that goal.

For example: if your goal is to get a new job in 2017 then you can easily measure if you achieve this goal. You either get the job or you don't. You can do certain things to help you achieve your goal of getting a job.

It's pretty simple and the best time to begin setting those goals for next year is right now.

I know you may be busy with the holiday season however, right now is the best time.

You can easily look back and see what goals you did and didn't achieve.

You can simply think about it and then decide what you want to achieve for next year.

Maybe there's a goal you didn't achieve last year that you really want to achieve, so make it a goal for 2017.

Maybe there are some new goals you want to achieve.

Write them down and aim to succeed in 2017.

Once you have your goals, write them down.
And then think about them.

Think about what you can do to achieve them.

Think about how important they are to you and by that I mean think about how achieving a goal will change your life.

When you have a life changing goal you want to achieve you have a goal that motivates you to succeed.

Let's face it, if achieving the goal isn't going to improve your life,  you're not going to want to pursue it.

Most goals are life changing.

However, most people simply don't think about how achieving a goal will change their lives and so they lose their motivation.

They think about all the little things that need to get done, like going to the gym or getting a savings plan together, or taking an extra course
or changing certain habits.

They end up losing sight of the real reason they want to succeed.

So keep your reason for achieving your goal at the forefront of your mind. It will help you stay motivated and stay focused.

When you're motivated and focused you're more likely to succeed and achieve your goal.

However, when you try to stay motivated and focused you might get derailed by a series of negative thoughts.

If you've tried to achieve a goal in the past and haven't succeeded then you're going to get a lot of negative thoughts that will convince
you to give up, not do anything or force you to get distracted. In the end you don't achieve the goal and don't even come close.

It's just the way the mind works. And it gives you the negative feedback because those negative thoughts are planted on your subconscious mind.

Now you need to change them.

So think about the goals you want to achieve. Think about how achieving that goal will improve your life.

When the negative thoughts come up, remove them and replace them.

Now let's make 2017 your best year ever.
Let's make 2017 the year you achieve your goals.

In 2017 you succeed and make those changes.

Step 1: Decide what you want to achieve
Step 2: Make sure your goals are measurable
Step 3: Focus on how succeeding will change your life
Step 4: Get rid of the negative thoughts and negative beliefs
Step 5: Reprogram your subconscious mind to help you succeed

I give you step-by-step instructions to make sure you achieve your goals and live the kind of life you want.

I walk you through the process and give you complete support to make sure you achieve your goals and enjoy the kind of success you desire.

As these negative thoughts leave your mind, you would be able to achieve the goals you have set for yourself

Let's make 2017 your best year ever.
Decide what you want to achieve in 2017 and then let's work together to achieve it/them

Wishing you tremendous success...


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