Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Last Day Of January 2016


It's miraculous but it is real and that is that we have been allowed by His Grace to see the last day of January 2016.

Not all who saw the 1st of January 2016 are alive today to see the 31st; meaning that not all who saw the beginning of January are here today to see its end.

But you and I are so blessed that we are alive in the land of the living and to give Glory to God Almighty.

 So whatever you do today, just be grateful to God that you are still on this side of the divide of eternity.

And having said that, as we step into February, it's time to start doing serious business to make money.

I continually stress on making money because I have noticed that not having money has been a predicament to many a man and had limited their potentials.

Just think of what to start on the sideline from the 1st of February 2016 and keep at it.

And if you wanna join me, then just indicate so and I sure would like to work with you.

Do have a great day today and enjoy

Let God reign Supreme

Dr. Jerry - the First: JP