Sunday, November 15, 2015

God Loves You And So Do I

My People,

Greetings of the new day.

It pleased God to bring us into this new day, may all glory be to His Holy Name.

There are purposes for which He did this and the chief amongst them is that we should worship Him in Spirit and in Truth, for if we fail in doing that, then we simply don’t understand it.

Such worship constitutes the tenets of true religion, for it is not in fighting and quarrelling that we worship Him in spirit and in truth, not in ramming it down the throat of the other person, not in accusations and counter-accusations, not in blackmails, innuendos, not in destroying another’s character and reputation, not in using our tongues to slander and condemn, to pass judgement of “guilty as charged” even as we have done more heinous things; not in all the negative things of the world that have left more strife than peace, torn us apart, that have highlighted the things that keep us at each other’s throat more than the things that bind us together as people of the same stock – human race.

True religion is found in such acts as He described – dealing fairly with the widow and the orphan, sheltering the homeless, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the Prisoners, raising a Ministry for the Powerless, Poorest of the Poor. That is true religion.

And that was what the old time religion was all about – communing together in the breaking of bread, looking after each other’s welfare and watching each other’s back.

But, today, the man watching my back has a big dagger hidden in his clothings!!!!

Give me that old time religion, it will just be enough for me!!!!!

It's Sunday people
Go worship God

God loves you and so do I

Have a very pleasant Sunday



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