Tuesday, September 1, 2015

What Do You Have?


He was born at a time when there was so much persecution in the land of his birth.

The Head of State had issued a decree that all male children born to a certain ethnic group should be killed at the point of birth, so many were killed but when it was time for his mother to give birth to him, even before the midwife could come, she had delivered and because he was a male, the woman and her daughter decided to hide him by the bank of a River.

When the daughter of the Head of State went to the River to take her bath with her royal maidens, she heard the cry of a baby and asked that the child should be brought to her, she saw him, and knew that he was a son of the tribe but she had compassion on him and decided to adopt him; on her way home, the child's sister caught up with her and suggested to her that the baby could be nursed by a wet nurse from the tribe, to which the Royal Daughter was in agreement and eventually the child's mother was sent for to nurse the child; and the child ended up being nursed by his very own mother.

And when the time came for a name to be given to the Child, the Royal Daughter named him Moses for she said "I got him out of the water"

Those of you who are Bible students sure know this story as if it were the back of your hands.

The Bible records that Moses grew strong in the House of Pharaoh and was even adopted as Pharaoh's son but he knew from interaction with the people that he was not an Egyptian, rather he was an Israelite.

When eventually he went forth to protect his own people by killing their detractors, words got to the Pharaoh and they sought to kill him so he had to run for his dear life.

In his pilgrimage, he ended up being a Shepherd for the sheep of his father in law and eventually God caught up with him in the bush and asked him to go bring the Israelites out of Egypt.

All his excuses and alibis fell flat before God because God had right from day one of his birth chosen him as the one that would carry out that task

Finally when he complained again that he had nothing to carry out God's instruction to him, God asked him -  "What do you have in your hand?"

In today's world, so many of us are like Moses.

The voice of God in us (the quiet silent voice) sends us on an errand and we begin to give excuses and alibis as to why what we are asked to do cannot be done.

We are good at postponing for tomorrow that which can be done today because we lack the will and power to have it done as and at when due. That is called procrastination.

So many geniuses are lying out there in the Cemetery in their cold graves because they just could not bring themselves up for once to showcase the talent that God had grafted into them.

Fear did not let them be who they ought to be.

It is time to remember that though you came into this world naked and would go back same way, but God equipped you with at least one talent with which to positively affect the world around you.

What shall you tell Him when you meet up with him on the last day, what account would you give Him as to what you did with His talent in you?

If God calls you, He usually equips you.

So this SEPTEMBER, I ask you that question: What do you have?

If you say that you have nothing, then it only means that you don't know yourself yet and you have to use this month to actually know yourself - find out what your passion is and then begin to run with it.

We don't have eternity here on earth, our time here is limited and so we must pack into it as much positive impacting activities as we can

If you have NOTHING, allow us to help you find the SOMETHING in you.

And if you have something but not effectively using it, allow us to help you find use for it.

Either way, give us a call and we shall be right there for you and the number to call is 0809-811-5050

Place that call NOW!!! and you would be glad you did

Do have a very solid September

Dr. Jerry - the First: JP
Your Friend


  1. This september do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
