Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Were It Not For God


I have been through a lot in this life, I have read other people's stories, I have listened to lamentations of the helpless and I have seen with my own very naked eyes what I call "poverty at work" and I have marveled.

Every day when I interact with people online or offline, I come away with the impression that we are a God-conscious people.

You ask a man - How are you? and he replies "I thank God"
You ask a woman - How are your children and she replies "We give God all the glory"
You ask another "how is life treating you? and he answers you "my brother it is God  o o o"

All these go to show that we have God so ingrained in our consciousness that we make reference to Him almost every minute of our existence.

And that is rightly so anyways because, as even the Scriptures say that it is in God that "we move, and live and have our being"

Were it not for God Who took you out of the wicked village where you come from, how would your story have changed?

Were it not God Who blinded the wicked people in your office from seeing you, how long would you have been at work?

Were it not for God Who caused you detractors to be deaf and dumb, how would your story have been told?

In this life, we pass through so much travails, there are things that cause us to be stressed, we hunger and we thirst, were it not for God, how would we have been able to scale through all these and still have stories of good life to tell?

God shields, He protects, He provides, He forgives, He saves, He leads, He cleanses, He listens and He answers.

Knowing then that we can not do without God and that as a matter of fact, we are nothing without Him, what manner of persons ought we to be?

To be completely dependent on Him because He is Dependable.

That is what we ought to be doing!!!

Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie: JP


  1. I had no real communication with anyone at a time, but i was totally dependent on God. And he never failed me. God is Good

  2. Being alive today is not by my power nor my might I give the glory

  3. God is wonderful
    God is good
    God is merciful
    God is awesome

  4. If not for God
    What would i have being.
    I thank God for his unending love.

  5. If not for God our lives would av been meaningless...
    There are things we cant do by our power no matter hoe hard we try
