Wednesday, August 5, 2015

He Did It Again For Me Today!!!

I tell you, this God won’t just stop surprising me
He woke me up again today

Wow, may His Holy Name be praised for ever

I really don’t know why He loves me this much, I don’t know o o

Because if it’s for being righteous, I can’t claim that, 
if it’s for being pious, hmm I think I am far from that, 
if it’s from being obedient to Him, I tell you, I have transgressed in more ways than I can remember, 

YET He loves me.

He sent His Son to come down and die on the Cross at Golgotha – just so that I can be near Him again;
He gave me His grace and made it so abundant that ‘where sin did abound, grace did much more abound”

This God, kai I just have to love HIM back
Father receive all the glory for ever and ever – Amen

Thank You Jesus for a BRAND NEW DAY
You have given me a new hope, a new beginning, a new story, a new slate to write my new story

Thank You for Wednesday
Give me more grace to work and walk as I talk

Your grace Oh Lord is SUFFICIENT for me

My people
Do have a very beautiful day



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