Wednesday, February 12, 2014


WEDNESDAY                                                                           12. 02. 14

Ihe oma O na emere m o
Aga m eburu Alleluia eburu
Olu oma O na aluru m e
Aga m apara Alleluia apara
Ihe oma O na emerem o
Aga m eburu Alleluia eburu
Para Alleluia apara
Pagara Jisos Onye Oma

Ihe oma O na emere m o
Aga m eburu Alleluia eburu
Olu oma O na aluru m e
Aga m apara Alleluia apara e
Eeeeee e e e  
Aga m eburu Alleluia eburu
Para Alleluia apara
Pagarani Jisos Onye Oma di mma

Hello dear,

It’s a new day and I just want to thank God Who made it possible for my family and I to see the light of this new day. May His Name be glorified for ever in Jesus Name – Amen.

I also thank Him for bringing you and yours back to this land flowing with milk and honey.

We must continually and perpetually honour and worship Him for that is the whole duty of man.

Today is Wednesday, the middle of the working week. It’s a day to take mid week stock, of the plans we have set out to do this week, of the goals we have written out to accomplish and to know what stage of accomplishment we have arrived at and what percentage we have achieved.


It’s also a day to go and ask God for a new anointing to finish up the week in grand style.


While you do these, the Lord Whom I serve and worship would surely meet you at your point of greatest need. Remember “God is not a man that He should lie, nor the son of man that He should repent ………”

May He bless you out of Zion.

Have a very wonderful day.

See you on the other side of today with a smile on your face.



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