Friday, February 14, 2014


FRIDAY                                                                                     14. 02. 14

In my Father’s House
There are many mansions there
In my father’s House, in my Father’s House
In my Father’s House
There are many mansions there
In my Father’s House above

Happy, Happy, Happy we shall be
Happy, Happy, Happy we shall be
Happy, Happy, Happy we shall be
In my Father’s House above

My Friends.

Greetings of the new day
Thank God for His mercies that have led us thus far even in this month, not all who saw this beginning of this month are around now, but He has allowed us to be around up to this moment because His plans for us are yet to be concluded.

We must continue to glorify His Holy Name for ever – Amen

It’s Friday, the last day of the working week and the day that usually ushers in the weekend which we use to rest from our struggles and that is why we usually say THANK GOD IT’S FRIDAY – TGIF. Hope you have said it today.

And this Friday is a special one too

Whatever valentine’s day means to you, do have it that way but one thing I am certain that valentine’s day is not about debauchery and randy living.
Don’t go “fooling” around all in the name of valentine’s day. If you must drink, DRINK RESPONSIBLY and if you must engage in any sexual act remember to USE A CONDOM.
Prevention it is said is better and cheaper than treatment.

Do have a great day

God loves you so much and so do I



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