Friday, August 30, 2013



Hello there, due to popular demand, we are introducing 2 more programmes to the lot we are managing here

1.                  NO FEAR ZONE

The damages that fear has done to men are incalculable. People are afraid of so many things and which has contributed to the mediocre state of mind of many a man who would have been up and achieving. But it has been proven beyond all reasonable doubts that 99% of the things we are afraid of and for which we worry most never come to pass.

Fear paralyses, it inhibits, it makes most people introverts who live only in their cocoons.

The grave yard is littered with men who had brilliant ideas and who would have made such impact in the society had they pursued their ideas but who procrastinated out of the fear of success or fear of failure as the case may be and thus died with their ideas.

To become a success, you must have to look fear in the face and over come it

This would be a membership group where the issues of courage and bravery shall be discussed with a daily dose of “fear not” quotes

2.                  LET’S TALK ABOUT SEX

Sex is one topic that many of us would rather shy away from discussing because we feel that it is “raw”. Such failure to earnestly and honestly discuss sex has led many to discover it for themselves thus imbibing the good, the bad and the ugly aspects of sex.

So LET’S TALK ABOUT SEX, would be an exclusive membership group open to persons 18 years and above who are willing to speak out about the art, practices and effects of sex.

It would provide an avenue for letting out steam, correcting bad practices, encouraging healthy sex habits and unbundling of long held wrong myths about sex

Interested persons would seek to join, NOBODY SHALL BE ADDED.

Both programmes shall hit the limelight by SEPTEMBER 2 2013.

Mark your calendars please!!!



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