Wednesday, March 27, 2013



Many people do not have jobs, infact the current stats show that about 20 million Nigerian Youths are unemployed.

And for those who have jobs, majority are under employed which means that they are working a job in which they do not derive pleasure from and so only live a hum drum life. They would gladly walk away from such job if they have another offer.

This accounts for why there is a teeming upsurge in the unemployment figures in the Country.

Only very few Nigerians are appropriately employed but even at that, the eternal quest for better remuneration is one that always knocks at the door of the heart of every salary earner no matter how highly paid. And this is because the higher one ascends the ladder, the greater his financial responsibilities.

It has been said severally that “no man ever became rich working for another” that means to actually have your own money without having to ask for a raise yearly or without being dependent on promotion YOU NEED TO HAVE YOUR OWN MONEY and for as long as you are working at someone else’s dream, it would never come. Comfortable YES but rich NO.

And when you are working another man’s vision, you are actually working your butts off. You do not have the freedom to do as you please, you ...... 



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